Wednesday, 1 August 2012

¡Feliz verano en familia!

Finalizada ya la estancia de todos los grupos, deseo que se hayan cumplido todos los objetivos que nos marcamos año tras año, no olvidando que el esfuerzo y la constancia son irrenunciables para que sea haga realidad el que "saber idiomas es abrir fronteras".

Agradezco, una vez más, la confianza que todos han puesto en Idiomas Padre Manyanet y les deseo que pasen un ¡Feliz verano en familia!

Hasta siempre,
P. Antonio Sorribes s.f.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Monday 16th of July

Hi everyone!!! A fantastic day in Southampton again!!

 Yesterday we were attending the lessons. As always we had a very intensive day and we wrote everything in the diary. Finally the weather is getting better and it is not so cold as before.

The teachers divided us in two groups: bears and rabbits. The competition started with the quiz and the rabbits won. Each group chose a participant and they were representing each a group. Russell was the presenter and he was very funny.

After that, we went to the bowling. We had a great time there!! We played with our French and Italian friends. Eventually, we took the bus to come back to the residence and went to sleep.

See you!!

Monday, 16 July 2012

First days in Southampton

Hi everyone!!
First of all we would like to apologize for the delay but we couldn't post anything on the blog. We wi
We have already adapted ourselves to Southampton. The citiy is very beautiful, it has got a lot of parks and a big port. The weather is not very good but it doesn't matter because the facilites are very good. Here we  do a lot of things we can never be relaxed!!! We have met other children from different countries and we are having fun with them. We started the lessons on Thursday. Our teachers are from different countries of the UK. They are very nice and helpful.  Everyday we write a diary with our experiences in Southamtpon with their help.

We have made a lot of things all these days: we have visited Southampton, Winchester and we had time to go shopping...but the best of all was the disco and London!!!!!! In London we visited the city (the London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square...) and we had free time to go for a walk.

Today we resumed the lessons and in the evening we are going to the bowling. We hope the weather gets better but as we said before all will be carried out indoor.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Saber idiomas es abrir fronteras...

Un cordial saludo desde los diferentes “blogs” de nuestros Cursos de Idiomas, cuya finalidad es la de ser puentes de relación y comunicación con todos los padres, madres, familiares y amigos de cada uno de nuestros estudiantes.

Deseamos, que mediante los mismos, todos nos sintamos suficientemente informados de las diferentes actividades y de la marcha general de cada uno de los grupos. Ello contribuirá a la tranquilidad y confianza de saber que vuestros hijos e hijas aprovechan y cumplen los objetivos que nuestra Organización se ha propuesto realizar: divertirnos aprendiendo y madurar como personas. De esta manera contribuimos a hacer realidad que el “saber idiomas es abrir fronteras”.

P. Antonio Sorribes

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Un año más cerramos nuestros cursos de Idiomas, con la confianza que todos nuestros estudiantes hayan alcanzado los objectivos que nos habíamos marcado.

Quiero pues, agradecer desde aquí, en primer lugar, todo el trabajo llevado a cabo por los directores de grupo y los monitores responsables de cada uno de ellos. Asimismo, agradezo a los padres la confianza que habéis tenido con Idiomas Padre Manyanet.

Con el deseo de que todos terminemos de pasar un feliz verano en familia,
que San Jose Manyanet bendiga cada uno de vuestros hogares y hasta siempre.
P. Antonio Sorribes S. F.
Director de Idiomas Padre Manyanet

Friday, 22 July 2011

Sports + Titanic contest!

Today we have had breakfast at 7:45 and then we did the first and the second lesson . 

After, we had lunch at 12:30 and when we finished we played basketball, it was very fun and difficult too because the opponent was very good, but we enjoyed it a lot. We had lunch at 6:00 and after we had  a Titanic contest. It was very exciting because we did it in groups; the bears and the rabbits. Bears won!!

When we finished we went to the residence to play poker have fun with the girls and finish our diary. Finally we went to bed.

Sergi L, Jordi & Sergi V.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Beaulieu + Roller disco!

We got up a little early because we had classes. Then, we met with the teachers and the other people of different countries.
We had breakfast at the canteen, and we walked to the University to take classes.
When we finished the classes we went back to the canteen to had lunch. When we finished we caught the bus to Beaulieu.
In Beaulieu we saw some old cars and motorbikes. We also rode in the monorail. When we finished we went to the canteen again. 

We had dinner and we went to the residence to dress up for the roller disco. We rolled a lot on our skates, but we didn't dance much because we didn't want to fall!! Once we were tired, we went to the residence and we went to bed.

It was a wonderful day!

Marta & Marta