Monday 18 July 2011

Titanic Museum + short film

Today was a different day, I felt better, I wasn’t as tired as other days, and WHY? Because we slept  1 hour and 20 minutes more than a normal day.
We ate breakfast as usual and then we went to the Titanic Memorials and the group leaders gave a questionnaire. It was my second time at the museum so I knew some of the questions. We expected to go to the Oceans Village but the rain stopped us.
We went to the canteen  to have lunch but we were too early. After having lunch, we prepared the Talents Contest act. The boys “who have more imagination than girls” dance LA MACARENA and the girls do a Lipdub. We practiced a lot before having dinner.
The evening activity was film quiz and then we watched a short film “Wallace & Gromit” it was a cartoon movie. It was quite funny because it was totally unreal.

Albert Arcos

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